Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten and Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics | What I've Learned So Far From Ina

Saturday, January 4, 2025


"Be Ready When the Luck Happens" by Ina Garten

Published by Crown, October 1, 2024

Genre: Memoir

Format: Listened via Libby

Ina Garten is a visionary. Whether it's orchestrating a remodel of a Paris apartment or rehabbing an East Hampton grocery or imagining a relationship partnership completely different from the one she saw growing up, Ina imagines it, has the guts and intelligence to make it happen, and then calls the outcome luck. 

I've watched Ina's shows since college, but I never knew Ina's nor Jeffrey's back story. They met when she was visiting her brother at Dartmouth. They married when she was 20, camped across Europe, and vowed they would return to Paris when they had the money to buy an apartment and live like locals--and guess what? They have! They almost divorced at the 10-year mark, but Ina had the temerity to request an equal-partnership-sorta-relationship, and Jeffrey had the humility and love for her to go to counseling and keep the door open. They're both brilliant on their own and have supported each other in pursuing all of their goals-- and having fun along the way. 

Garten's memoir, which I listened to narrated by Garten herself, is the best kind of memoir. For me, it's the best because it's her, and I love her. Here are some lessons I've gathered from Ina so far. 


  1. You never know your good breaks from your bad. Landlord doesn't want to renew your lease? Bummer. But a better deal is coming across the street. Something might look great and turn out badly and vice versa. It's really distance and time that provide the perspective to judge which were actually the good and bad breaks.

  2. In some cases, the French don't designate specific rooms for different tasks. Thus, they can keep life interesting by shifting locale: drinks and apps in one spot, dinner at the table, dessert on the deck.

  3. Make something spectacular (that you've made before), buy something spectacular, keep the rest simple. The food is for the people versus the people for the food. Plan to keep it simple, and everyone can relax and have a good time.

  4. I think Ina is so appealing because she knows exactly what she likes and what she doesn't, and she follows her instincts. She's casual with a collar, authentic, and fun. She's a great role model in how she holds the boundary. For example, when she published her first book, the publisher didn't consult her regarding the cover, and she hated it. She let them know "This is not who I am," and they fixed it. When she started her show via Martha Stewart's production company, they expected her to behave like Martha. She let them know "That is not who I am," and they adjusted their expectations. She refuses to let the expectations of others shape her. 

  5. Use good ingredients. If you put a bunch of bad ingredients together, they're not going to get better. Ina has a 50 year-old spatula and heritage vanilla. Good tomatoes are better with saffron. Coffee in chocolate, Italian cocoa, unsalted American butter for baking, French butter for tasting on a baguette. 

  6. Negotiation isn't a zero-sum game. Figure out what the other person wants, and fit it into the parameters of what you want. Leave something on the table, so everyone is happy, and business is good. 


“But in France, these little traffic circles are a reminder that life is not about straight lines or the shortest distance between two points. Slow down, they seemed to say, you can take a little twirl and still get exactly where you’re going. Such a nice approach to life.”


Thanks, Ina. It's brave to put your life out there, and you have--your friends, your barn, your community, your life. It's time for bravery, bruschetta in the garden, Paris, more twirl, and an apple tarte (Yes, ma'am, I'm using puff pastry).  <3 


How about a book club where everyone picks their favorite Ina recipe to bring? Someone brings a beverage, someone a dessert, etc. 


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