The Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle

Friday, January 19, 2024


"The Flight from Conversation" by Sherry Turkle

Published by NYT, April 21, 2012

Genre: Opinion Essay

Format: I read this one via a New York Times subscription

In the last six months, AI has become not just a curiosity, but a fire that has spread like fires do -- without discretion. Industries, whether independent and nimble or corporate and giant, have to consider the implications of implementing AI as a matter of business. What problems will it solve? What problems might it create? Will we be left behind if we don't face it?

AI has also forced Education's hand. The research process turned on its head in the early 2000s as information became much more accessible than a card catalog, microfiche, and a periodical reference manual, writing to express ideas may become less valuable than curating, smart querying, and editing. 

It's easy to look past the larger question of what all of the "artificial" intelligence will do for the quality of our interactions. 

In MIT professor Sherry Turkle's decade old essay, she considers the impact of social media on relationships. Are they giving us means to remain closer to friends and family? A way to connect with more people in order to foster new relationships? Or is social media sterilizing all of our relationships?

Read it to see what Turkle thinks, and consider if you agree or not.


"In the silence of connection, people are comforted by being in touch with a lot of people — carefully kept at bay."


Someone who has spent her life considering ethics in communication, Sherry Turkle is worth more time. I want to read everything she has written. I think this is the reason for four stars. This opinion piece left me wanting to read more. Could anyone have any solid answers about where reliance on artificial intelligence will ultimately lead humanity? No. But if anyone can throw a flashlight down the path, it's Turkle.

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